Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jayden's interested in girls!

OMG, my seven year old is starting to show an interest in girls. I picked him up from the sitters today and this is how the conversation went:

Jayden: "mom I asked Iquiria out to the school dance and she said no!"
Mom: "you asked someone out?"
J: "Yes Mom"
M: "why are you asking a girl to go to the school dance with you. You don't need anyone to go with you, are the other little boys asking girls to go?"
J: "Yes mom, most of them already have dates."
M: "why do you think she said no?"
J: " she just kind of mean like that"
M: "well, why did you ask this particular girl out, isn't there other girls you could ask?"
J: "I asked her because she's HOT MOM!"
M: long pause!!!!!!! "She's hhhhhhot?"
J: "yeah, she's hot"
M: "what does hot mean Jayden?"
J: "Mom, you don't know what hot means?"
M: "sure I know I just want to know what you think it means."
J: "it means she's really cute and has a rockin body."

End of conversation.......... ROCKIN BODY! OMG, what on earth am I going to do??????

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