Tuesday, July 28, 2009

To the vet we go

Yesterday, Manuel took Zipper to the vet. Zipper is almost 100 lbs now and very difficult to handle. Manuel said, on the way to the vet's office Zipper decided he didn't want to sit in the back seat, he wanted to sit in the front between Manuel and his brother, Jack, so he did. Manuel and Jack tried to push him back to the back seat but Zipper did not budge. He said the road all the way to the vet's office with a 100lb dog sitting between them with his tough hanging out. They got to the office and Zipper was so exited to see the other dogs that Manuel was sweating trying to keep him under control until it was their turn to go back. When the attendant came to get them, she warned Manuel that they had just cleaned up after another dog and the floor might be a little damp. Manuel said he opened the door to the examination room and the floor was more than damp it was completely wet. With one hand on the door knob and Zipper in the other, Zipper took off running through the room and with the floor wet Manuel was dragged from the entrance to the exit struggling to keep his balance. Manuel said when he finally got Zipper stopped they were in the surgical section of the clinic and the Drs and techs thought that was the funniest thing they had seen in a while. Manuel, on the other hand, was not amused.

Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm so over the animals

We went to the Gentry Drive Thru Suffari and Petting Zoo this past weekend. While we were doing the drive through part Zion was elated! He loved every single one of the animals and just kept asking, "can we get out". Finally a hour later we went to the petting part and Zion was so excited to go until he walked through the gate and realized that he animals were not on leashed or in cages, then of course he was ready to go. Jayen, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. I'm certain he's going to be a vet when he grows up. He was sitting on the ground with the animals and trying to pick them up. He didn't want to leave. We heard that there were baby animals at the top of the hill so we wondered up to see them. Little did we know, there were a couple of baby monkey's just playing around unleashed on the ground. They had diapers on and everything. We walked up and Zion thought the monkey was a toy because it was perfectly still eating a chip or something. Just as Zion leaned down to touch him, the monkey looked up and noticed Zion, Zion of course started screaming and took off running, the money of course thought this was a game and started to chase him. I laughed so hard I couldn't help my poor child. The attendant ran and got the monkey. Jayden on the other hand wanted to hold him.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"Rock a bye baby"

We were in Walmart the other day and Jayden of course wanted to buy a toy. We went to the toy section and I decided to buy Zion a toy. I walked up and down the isle looking for something I thought he'd like to play with. As we walked down the hall he screamed "go back momma, go back" I said what is it Zion, you want something. I turned around and started to walk back, I was thinking to my self... this is all girl stuff, what could he have possibly seen that he wants, and to my surprise, he was reaching for a baby doll! Oh, my goodness, what am I going to do???? I can't have a little boy walking around with a baby, so I called Manuel and said "we're in Walmart and Zion wants a doll, what do you think?"
Manuel: "is it a boy or a girl?"
Me: " it can be either"
Manuel: "I'm ok with him getting a boy"
Me: "you don't think a girl would be better"
Manuel: "absolutely not"
Me: "really"
Manuel: "and make sure it's blue"
I select a doll with blue clothes (a boy) and we headed to the check out. I looked down to see Zion rocking the baby and singing "rocka by baby in the tee top" over and over again. He was so excited about his baby, but a few days later that thing was no where to be found and he could care less. I don't think we have anything to worry about......lol....

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ice Cream for almost everyone

Today we took our normal Sunday afternoon nap and when we got up we decided to go for a bike ride on a trail up the street from the house. We had lots of time to spare so we stopped by the park and let the kids play a few minutes and then proceeded on our ride. When it was all said and done we were on the trail for a couple of hours. As we were loading the bikes back on the truck, Jayden asked if we could go get ice cream. While in the drive through at Braums I noticed that Zion was hungry so I told Manuel not to get him any ice cream to get him a burger instead. Manuel placed the order and we sat at the window, the cashier passed Jayden's ice cream out and the the bag with Zion's hamburger out. As Manuel began to drive away, Zion threw his hands int he air and said "Oh, my goodness, she forgot to give me my i ceam!"

Saturday, July 18, 2009

"What the heck???"

Zion is really coming up with some doozies here lately. He new favorite terms include "What the heck", "Oh my goodness", "Get off me dude", "Whatever dude"! Where does he get this stuff.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

"I had it first"

Jayden and Zion were riding with me in the back seat and of course they were arguing about everything under the sun. Jayden loves to agitate Zion so he took his toy and Zion began to scream, "I had it furst, momma, Janen took my toy and I had it furst!" Jayden thought it was the funniest thing so he wouldn't give it back. My boys!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Zion got his first hair cut on Feb 5, 2008 and has been in love with haircuts every since. I can’t stop by the shop to get something from Manuel and Zion see him cutting someone’s hair without him throwing an absolute fit to get his hair cut. Yesterday, Zion had a Dr’s appointment. Manuel was taking him and he needed to run by the shop to get something. When they pulled into the parking lot, Zion cheered “I get to get a haircut, tank you daddy, oh tank you.” Manuel tried to explain that they had an appointment to get to and he didn’t have time to cut his hair, but what’s an appointment to a two year old. Knowing that Zion could care less, Manuel began distracting him as they walked in, he quickly grabbed his phone charger and was out the door in a few minutes. He got Zion buckled into his car seat and was on the road again. Just as they began to exit the parking lot, Zion started to scream, “daddy, I left my hair cut, I left my hair cut daddy. Let’s go back.”

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

"I left my hair cut"

Yesterday, Zion had a doctors appointment and Manuel had a hair cut to do a hour before so he took him with him to do the hair cut. By the way, Zion absolutely loves getting hair cuts. When the arrived at the shop, he excitedly exclaimed "dad, i gettin a hair cut??" Manuel said, "no, I have to do a client hair cut." This did not go over well with Zion and he began to have a tantrum so Manuel reluctantly agreed, "I'll cut your hair when I finish up with Mr. Frank." Zion said "o ta." Manuel cut Mr. Frank's hair and Zion found something that occupied his attention, as soon as Manuel was done, he grabbed Zion and said, "come on we've got to go so we won't be late." Zion said "o ta", took Manuel's hand and walked out to the car. As they were driving a way, Zion said "o, wait daddy, I forgot my hair cut!" Needless to say, Manuel had to deal with screaming all the way to the doctor's office.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Oatmeal Cream Pies

Zion has really started to know what he wants and is skilled at throwing a fit for it. He woke up yesterday and said, "I want cream pie". I said, "not until after you eat something" and of course the sparks started to fly. I let him lay in the middle of the floor and scream until I finished making his breakfast. Once his eggs, bacon, and Malt O Meal were done, I placed them on his high chair top along with the cream pie and said. "you can have it once you eat your breakfast." That child stuffed that food in his mouth until he began to gag! It was so sad, he wanted that cream pie.

Friday, July 10, 2009

The nosey little boy

I talk to my sister all the time on the phone and we really enjoy each other. This particular day was not unlike any other, but for some reason Zion was really interested in what I had to say. Every time I'd laugh or display any emotion he'd say "what happin momma, what happind" until I'd explain to him what happened then he'd say "O".

Sunday, July 5, 2009

I cleaned my place momma.... kinda of!

It's constantly a challenge to get Jayden to eat his food, so the other day when he cleaned his place without me even harassing him, I was so excited. I hugged him and made a really big deal out of him cleaning his plate. As I was right in the middle of throwing the "Jayden cleaned his plate party" I noticed Zion picked up his plate and headed to the kitchen with it, as I watched him, he made his way to the trash can and dumped his plate out then walked back over to me and said, "momma, I ceaned my plated too!"