Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hey, you can't blame a brotha for tryin!

Yesterday I got a exstatic call from Jayden exclaiming "Mom I got the Honor Roll, I got 4 'A's and 3 'B's!" and as any proud mom would do I got equally excited and began to congratulate him and tell hom how proud I was of him for working so hard on his grades and then I reminded him of all the times he didn't want to do his homework but how great it was the that hard work paid off and assured him he would be rewarded for his effort. Then, true to form, Jayden asked "am I going to get a thousand dollars?" I said, "uh, no" he laughed and said, "hey, you can't blame a brotha for tryin...." we both laughed. Kids say the darnedest things.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

hahaha, you can't blame a brutha or tryin'!!! CLASSIC, I love it!!! =)