Friday, April 3, 2009

Hold you!

Zion has no problem verbalizing what he wants you to do. Just recently, he's gotten where he wants you to hold him ALL THE TIME. When he's ready, he'll say "Hold jew, momma, hold jew" with his hands lifted in the air. If you don't response the commands only become louder and more demanding "hold jew, momma, hold jew", if I don't submit, he moves on the the next victim, which is normally Jayden, "HOLD JEW, JAYDEN, HOLD JEW!" He's so big that when Jayden picks him up he has to sit with him until, Zion is done. Then Zion gets down and the both resume whatever they were doing before.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Oh my gosh, Jonah says the SAME exact thing, except along with 'hold jew" he adds "HOLD JONAH, MOMMY!!" after the first few demands don't work. haha