Friday, April 10, 2009

1st Day of School for Zion

Zion is quite an aggressive little boy as he's used to interacting with people more than three times his age. We've been so blessed to have had Mrs. Perry as his nanny since he was 8 weeks old, but as he personality is developing, he doesn't understand how to interact with kids his age (he hits, bites, scratches, and pinches). He's also having a difficult time determining boundaries with adults. When he's given a command, he considers it a mere suggestion.... We're going to see if the structure of a traditional day care will help him sort this ideal of respect out. Today was his first day! We talked it up to him and was trying to be really super excited about it. We gave him a back pack and told him that he was going to school like a big boy and when Jayden put his back pack on to go to school we encouraged Zion to do the same. Poor little guy, had no idea what was coming. When we got to the school we let him walk up to the door on his own. He wasn't that excited to go into the class room, so Manuel went in with him while I filled out the paperwork. When it was time for us to go, he pouted a little and in the saddest voice you ever did hear he said "By Daddy..." His teacher said he did very well, he stayed all day and wasn't super anxious to leave when I picked him up.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

How's he doing? Still OK? Geez, it took a solid week for Jonah to adjust to his new school, and I even had to take off work to go and sit with him one day to help him get used to it, remember that?! He still cries on occasion, but mostly he just yells, "Bye Daddy!" when Jeramy drops him off in the mornings. (Mommy picks up, Daddy drops off, lol) So much better for me, I am sure!! haha