Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Zion is so quickly becoming a HOLLY TERROR! He's so demanding and down right combative most of the times. He's bull headed. He considers your commands, mere suggestions and he chooses not to listen. Last night, I was watching American Idol and LiL Rounds was just about to perform when Zion started pulling the restaurant receipts off the stairs and throwing them all down the hall. I said "Zion, no!" as usual, he continued as if I wasn't talking to him at all. In a desperate attempt to watch the performance but get his attention enough to get him to stop I called his middle name "ELIJAH!" He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me and said "momma, no Elijah!" Ha, ha, I got his attention. For the rest of the night, if he didn't listen to my direction, I called him Elijah and he listened. Now I know why parents sometimes have to use a kid's whole name. It gets' there attention. Who would have thunk it?


Maggie said...

LOL, that is so funny!! =)

Jonah's been referring to himself in 3rd person lately. It's so funny... he'll say, "Play wiff, Jonah, Mommy!!"

The Whitmore Circus said...

How cute it that! I miss you.