Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Jayden's Crying MOMMY!

Jayden is really starting to smell himself lately and you can't tell him anything without him getting an attitude with you. It's been a battle of the wills in my house for a few weeks now and I'm just about done...... Last night, I asked Jayden to walk Shordee, he gave me attitude, I corrected him and he when on to do what I asked. I then asked him to bring me his dirty clothes basket, she sighed loudly and failed to move from the couch, I reminded him of my request and he flung his body off the couch, got his laundry basket and threw it in the laundry room. At this point, I called him over to me and said, "is something going on son? something you want to talk about? is everything ok? you're behavior sucks!" He snatched away from me and continued to try watching the tv show he was so into. To keep from beating him, I told him to go to his room and rest..... (maybe he's tired -I'm thinking). Jayden goes to his room followed promptly by Zion. A few seconds later Zion emerges to inform "Janen's cying momma, Janen's cying". I said, "he'll be ok, he's just mad at momma." Zion said "no momma, he not mad, he sad, mone, mone, check on him."

1 comment:

Maggie said...

LOL, he is so funny! That is so cute... wow, Jayden is starting to sound like Josh!! haha, just wait a few more years and you'll really get the attitude!! =S