Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"Sea ya lala"

Today Manuel took Zion to the dentist for a cleaning. This was his 2nd visit. Some time ago he developed a contusion above one of his teeth that was coming in and everything was fine. It eventually went down, so he's not afraid of the dentist. Manuel said he marched right into that office like he owned the place. He played on the lobby with the other kids and really got a kick out of walking through the sharks mouth. Once they got him back to the exam room, the nurse was a little nervous that he wouldn't behave because he's so little. But, just like a big boy he layed down on the table and opened right up. The only thig was that he would only let them clean a tooth or two before he needed to take a break. He's hop up and say "all done", try to get off the table, then they'd convience him to do a couple more. This went on the entire visit. Manuel said, they all laughed when the cleaning was completed. The nurse said "he did real good, he just needs to take alot of breaks". As they walked out of the office, Zion said "sea ya lala".

1 comment:

Maggie said...

So cute!! Jonah says, "La-er!" for 'See ya later!' and waves.